The journey into our own femininity is a path that changes us forever.
Do you desire to live in harmony with your cycle? To listen to the voice of your womb and give space to your own sexuality? Or do you simply feel the quiet call for your femininity to reignite? Then you've come to the right place.
I will accompany you on the path to rediscovering yourself as a woman. Let's shine a light on the uniqueness of your femininity together.
To be honest, I would never have thought that I would be doing women's work. And yet here I am, holding women's circles and giving individual sessions for women for over seven years. And I feel so at home in this unique work.
Rediscovering the power that lies within us and bringing the feminine back into the world is changing this planet. It starts with ourselves. With small steps. And it is precisely these first small steps that I like to take together with you.
Do you have irregularities with your cycle? Can't feel your womb? Do you feel insecure during sex? Or uncomfortable in your body?
Then consciously take the time and space to find yourself and your body. To arrive where you feel safe and at home - deep inside yourself. In my retreats and our individual work, you will be given all the time you need.

To get a sense of how our work might look like, here are a few examples from past years:
Individual work over 6 months to get pregnant.
Individual work over several months to align your life with your feminine intuition
4-day private retreat to embody your own femininity.
... and the following women's retreats:

7 Days | Retreat in Portugal
Seven days | Zwelve women | 200 hectares of land | Ten wild horses | Five private beaches
Countless cliffs. Trees. The wild nature that hugged us with its magic. Liberation was a retreat for women who wanted to free themselves - from old wounds, conditioning, beliefs and pain. Women who felt the call to walk through life in their own power. And this is exactly what we did. In Sisterhood.
“The retreat moved mountains in me. And moving through that together with other women is so strong, I know now how sisterhood feels like, this supporting and unconditional loving energy made me feel home and loving me again.
It feels like my soul was just waiting to receive this medicine to truly unfold again, to be able to raise my voice and go out and share my unique wisdom.”
Seven weeks | Twelve modules | Eighteen women | an endless amount of stories
A program for women wishing to embody their own sexuality. Who wanted to feel at home in their bodies and desired to let go of shame and old wounds. Free yourself created the space to find and explore the path to your own unique sexuality. Because each of us has our own unique story and our own way of living our sexuality.
"I was very scared about getting in touch with my sexuality and awakening my body. I was afraid of what it would mean about myself or about whether it would be done correctly. I now realize everything is perfect and I can take my time and my body will guide me, and that I'm actually beautiful!
I am loving myself! It feels beautiful and cozy to be me. I feel creative and powerful. I feel like I have deeper emotions (of all kinds!) now and they are new to me, and I am exploring them." Liliana